A few weeks ago a conversation came up at the dinner table about family history and there were some stories told that many people around the table had never heard. That got us talking about how there is a lot of family history that we know very little about, and how between everyone we may be able to piece together a lot more, but without anyone from my grandparents generation left, there would inevitably be gaps that couldn't be filled. One thing I know about memories is that the more time that passes, the more fleeting these memories are, and how precious you realize they are when you can no longer remember/no longer have anyone to remember them.
(some cousins at L&J's wedding weekend last fall)
Between that family dinner and the one the next night with the other side of the family (new marriages, new houses, new dogs, soon to be new babies), I made another resolution. Spend more time with family. Admittedly, I haven't been sticking to that resolution too well, but I really want to! And that is where you, my dear blog-readers come in to play! If I say this resolution aloud, for all of the internets to read, surely someone will hold me accountable to it. Please?
So while I cannot choose my family, I can choose how important a part of my life they are, and the actions I take to maintain those relationships. My action item this week is to make more time for family! Also, Steinberg side of the family, if you are reading this, stay tuned! I've got a family tree up my sleeve! Can you say family reunion?!
What choices have you made recently that have been important to you? How do you maintain the relationships in your life that are important but not always easy to make time for?
Gratefully yours,
Jaime Ariella
Good blog Jaim! A very important lesson. As you know, my cousins are some of my best friends!